Monday, August 6, 2007

Mounds of Shells

My mother and I recently visited the "Shell Middens" in Damariscotta Link
Damariscotta one of those charming towns many tourists pass on by on their way up the coast. My brother recently moved there and he loves to walk with us to the "Salt Bay Cafe" then walk the beach or socialize with friends at the lovely bookstore cafe downtown.

The Middens themselves should be seen with their historical and folkloric context in mind, otherwise they are just "a pile of shells". They were used for years by native americans as a sort of "trash heap" but for archeologist they are heaps of treasure; broken pots, arrow heads and tools that help us put together a picture of life on the Damariscotta river before Europeans discovered potatoes. All this can feed a sense of magic and mystery engendered by old folk tales about the region.

I will quote from- David Quimby Cushman's; "The history of ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle, including early Pemaquid, Damariscotta, and other contiguous places, from the earliest discovery to the present time; together with the genealogy of more than four hundred families." (1882)

"It is supposed by many that in this vicinity was the lost 'city of New England' called Norumbega, or the ancient city of Arumpeag which is thought to mean the place of men. And on an island in the beautiful bay above, traditions says, was the place where they used to bury their dead." (pg. 315).


(The Davistown museum has such an intriguing website. It really gives one a feel for Maine and it's history. I hope I can get a visit over to their museum sometime. Link)

We then went for a ride up the "River Road" that goes down the Damariscotta river; an interesting ride made more facinating by our place of mind. It is lined with old stone walls, lovely homes and ancient trees that inspire a certain sense of mystery. We parked for a minute at Dodge Point and looked at the maps. Most of the trails were rather long, although there was one up "old farm road" that wasn't too bad...we proposed to come back one day after we did more research (and brought insect repellant)

Then we drove on to Boothbay Harbor--a lovely shining city by the sea. One of my favorite places on the coast, there are so many things there I want to see and do there before I kick off; like visiting the Aquarium, going on a whale watch or eating at that restaurant right over the water that smells so good.

there are allot of great pictures of Boothbay Harbor on Photobucket Link

And while we are at it; here are some of Damariscotta Link

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