Saturday, March 1, 2008

Stuff Tah See Dis Summa'

(Okay Maine spoken english is usually better than that, lol!)

I am getting snowed in today after looking forward to a trip down to Damariscotta to see my younger brother. So I thought I would make a list of things I want to see and do when the weather calms down. (IF it does...jeez)

1. Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay Maine. Link

I missed it's grand opening last summer. Boasting 248 waterfront acres, sculpture gardens, a fairy village, oriental gardens, a visitor center, cafe and gift shop; it is now the largest Botanical Garden in New England. From pictures I have seen posted of the gardens on-line, it looks absolutely enchanting.

Check out these on-line slideshows on Flickr-



2. Peaks Island-

I have been meaning to go for awhile, but after viewing this "disposable camera tour"


I want all the snow to hurry up and melt so I can take my bike over on the ferry.

3. Visit towns up the coast from Rockland-

Elsworth, Belfast Linconville and Blue hill in particular....I lived so close to this area for most of my life yet seen so little of is quite frustrating.

Slideshow of Downtown Belfast

Slideshow of Ellworth

4. Sebago Lakes Area-
I discovered this area going to a wedding last summer and I hope to experience more of it this summer.

Friends of Sebago

5. Maine State Aquarium- West Boothbay Harbor-

It's not huge and looks like it is geared primarily toward children, but it is near where my brother lives so it should be worth a look.


6. Perry's Nut House- Belfast Maine-

I haven't been in a while, but I feel like I didn't appreciate it then the same way I would now. It is quite the original store, and I would like to take in the town of Belfast and other coastal towns in the area while I'm at it.

7. Looney Lagoon


That Roadside America site gave me some ideas. I would like to check out the "Looney Lagoon" in Bath. It looks like a surreal bunch of sculptures by a swamp, interesting. We go by Bath so often, it would be a sin not to check it out.

8. Lenny The Chocolate Moose-


Just cause it's in nearby Scarborough and gives me an excuse to go to Scarborough Marsh again and then hit the clam shacks. I am thinking of inviting my older brother to come with me... but he might eat him.

9. Davistown Museum- In Libery and Hulls Cove Bar Harbor


With a sculpture gardens, tools jewelry and historical art. I really want to get to the heart of Maine history, and this seems to be the place.

10. Further up the coast- This is my mom's idea-she wants to go up to the Calais area....I'm thinking more Machias as I get motion sickness.

Okay, that's it for now...I'll blog again if I get more ideas...(feel free to suggest something)

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