Sunday, June 10, 2007

I had a lovely day today

First went to "Target" and the "Christmas Tree Shops" with my mom, got a small 5 dollar grill, some chairs, intriquite green pillows and fancy coffee, then we thought we would head toward Scarborough for something to eat.

We stopped at this "Clam Cake Restaraunt" with picnic tables set up on the side. I had clamcakes, a coke and fries and my mom had a baked potatoe and coslaw. It was fun sitting outside with the wind breezing through my hair, the smell of the sea on the wind and the young family across from us trying to control their cantankerous brood. I miss those "summer feelings" during Maine's long harsh winters.

On the way back we investigated something we had seen on the way. There was some parking and signs like a park, and a path with this bridge that went over a facinating marshland.(Link To Scarborough Marsh website) We parked on the way back and took a stroll up the path, only to find it littered with fishermen and their families. There was one group who seemed to have been brought in through a break in time and space, their visage a perfect Norman Rockwell circa 1950's. We left quietly so as not to disturbe the fish.

I decided in the car that the perfect summer day would include a romp on the beach, a visit to a roadside seafood joint, an ice cream and a drive-in movie.

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